Saturday 29 October 2011

Artists as Inspiration

Guided by local artist Lisa Kirk, NIDES learners (young and older) found inspiration in Andy Goldworthy's keen sense of observation and patience. After viewing and discussing his creative works in books and media we took our new knowledge outside. Our brain break walk through the Beban Forest trails awoke our senses to the colours and sights of Autumn. A multitude of mushrooms, enormous ant hills and a leafy carpet welcomed us in the drizzle. Upon arriving back at the centre we used the green grass as our canvas and worked as a team to shape our collections. Leaves of green, red, yellow, gold and brown unfurled into a spiral creation - aptly named by one learner as the 'Friendship Spiral'.


  1. The sorting of leaves by colour and then making the art work must have been a lot of fun.
    It's beautiful.

  2. Thank you Maureen - it was such an engaging whole group activity even in the chilly wind and drizzle.
